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Nurture Children's Growth

Food programme for school in Accra and Kete-Krachi

The population of Ghana is around 28 million - almost 40% of people (11.5million) are children under the age of 15, making Ghana a young nation. Around 27,000 Ghanaian children are living with HIV and more than 150,000 kids were orphaned due to AIDS. Additionally, it is estimated that 1.1 million children have lost either one or both of their parents. In Accra, the capital of Ghana, thousands of young children live in slums and on the streets. Their lives consist of begging for money, selling merchandise and sadly also engaging in crimes. Most of them are child labourers who do not go to school, therefore 7 in 10 Ghanaian street children are illiterate. Our food program supports local organizations, schools, shelters and orphanages, in Accra and Kete Krachi in Ghana.

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School Meals

Support us and make a donation to change the future of children.


Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:



GHANA: Photo workshops

Our photographer and former of Between Pictures working with children at the project: "Lost Childhood" Ghana through children eye's.

Your donation could pay for travel, food and other expenses to create unique perspective of  unprivileged children daily life in slums and villages of Ghana.


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