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1G1 Studio Belfast

1.35 mtrs wide Colorama Paper Backgrounds

Available colours
- Oxford Blue

  • General info

    All backgrounds are inspected prior your session. Please notify our studio immediately of any damage or concerns.

  • Additional fee: £5 per meter if damaged or soiled

    The company or individual renting the background is responsible for any loss of or damage to the backdrop. Damage includes but is not limited damage to background surface from water, tape or other incident; cut or tie line; pins, tape or any other fasteners. Damage fees are assessed per drop. If the backdrop is damaged in any way or is missing tie lines, please contact us immediately to avoid any fees.

Hand Painted Canvas Photo & Video Backdrops


Telefon: +44 7593 060 007

Projekt Non-Profit
Adres siedziby:
1G1 Studio
326 Crumlin rd
BT14 7EE

Akademia Fotografii w Londynie
wynajmuje kilka lokali tylko na czas warsztatów weekendowych
(info na stronach poszczególnych zajęć).

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